In category theory, a Krull–Schmidt category is a generalization of categories in which the Krull–Schmidt theorem holds. They arise in the study of the representation theory of finite-dimensional algebras.
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Let k be a field. A category enriched over finite-dimensional k-vector spaces is a Krull–Schmidt category if all idempotents split. In other words, if satisfies , then there exists an object Y and morphisms and such that and . If is a local ring whenever X is indecomposable, i.e., not isomorphic to the coproduct of two nonzero objects, then the condition is satisfied and the category is Krull–Schmidt.
To every Krull–Schmidt category K, one associates a Auslander–Reiten quiver.
One has the analogue of the Krull–Schmidt theorem in Krull–Schmidt categories. Namely, given isomorphisms where the and are indecomposable, then , and there exists a permutation such that for all i.